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Busy families with kids and grand kids in multiple activities will tell you that calendar chaos is a frightening issue. And anyone who has to juggle a home and work calendar knows that stomach-plummeting feeling you get when they aren’t synced. But chaos doesn’t have to rule your schedule. Utilize our tips below and you’ll be on your way to smooth scheduling.

Figure out your system

Do you prefer to load everything into your smartphone, tablet or computer? Would you rather to write it all down on paper? Do you like to see your schedule by the day, week or month?

Don’t make it too hard

Most of us only need one calendar, maybe two at most if you need to keep your work calendar separate from your home calendar. When you get hit with school calendars, sports schedules, work and church calendars, condense them into one master schedule!

Color code

Whether you prefer digital or paper, color code it. You can do this by person (mom, dad and the kids) or by events (appointments/birthdays/vacations). Choose a system that works for you.

Write down everything

If you use the calendar on your phone, enter your next dentist appointment in while you are being checked out. If you use paper, write it down immediately if your calendar is with you, or as soon as you get home. And sign up for the text or email reminders from your doctors and dentists if that helps you.

Set reminders for yourself

There are numerous features on your smartphone that can help you stay organized and manage your time. Learn how to use them. If you use paper, utilize sticky notes to make quick reminders to yourself.

Keep your calendar where you can see it

If you never look at your calendar, it won’t do you much good. Get in the habit of checking it regularly.

Happy scheduling!

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